It was the year we succeeded with the Delivery Plan, then the action really had to happen!
The invitation to form an NDC. Partnership had resulted in a small group of people forming a residents association. Public meetings were then called to inform the wider community and increase involvement.
People attended those first public meetings and two groups of people came forward to form a tidy-up scheme and an after-school playgroup.
The start of the decade was marked by the submission of the 62-page Delivery Plan:
“As chairman of the Preston Road Residents Association, this Delivery Plan is with renewed hope the best way forward for all residents on the estate hope and pray the estate can look forward to a much brighter and wealthier future.” Ray Birch, Chairman, 21 February 2000.
28 signatures of the Shadow Partnership Board on the Delivery Plan.
April 12: Hull Preston Road is announced as one of seven areas in England to share in £300 million worth of funding. Hull Daily Mail said: “The warm winds of change are blowing in our direction. Today the Government confirmed that £55 million will be provided for the regeneration of Preston Road. Not just “hot air”, not “I’ll believe it when I see it”, but £55 million of real money … secured by residents who have shown a real will to take control of their destiny. With today’s announcement they are not just one step closer to achieving their dream of a better life, they’re flying.”