It became a popular venue for indoor bowls, training sessions, craft classes, family history sessions and youth activities.
June also saw Preston Road resident Glenis Edwards being presented with the Yorkshire Individual Learner Award for
her commitment to training in office skills.
A boost for green fingers: The go-ahead was given for a £ 1.2 million horticulture training centre at Portobello Street, with part-funding from the European Regional Development Fund, and appropriately on disused allotment
Hull City Council became the next name to commit to the Village Centre by starting work – on a £ 1 .3 million family resource centre for its Social Services Department. Acting Chief Executive Jan Didrichsen surveys the site in this picture.
Two residents were invited by royal appointment to the Queen’s Garden Party in the summer. Jean Toker and Rita Butler were nominated for their community work.
The residents’ health group, Encompass, organised a health summer fun day at Craven Park with Hull Kingston Rovers’
ItJlWW•”players putting people through their paces!