October: Steve Furgusson of St John’s Grove was given a community champion award by Government Office for Yorkshire and the Humber, for setting up the men’s group MUST, in Hull. One of 31 people to be saluted, he was presented with his award at a ceremony in Leeds.
November: The East Hull Centre for Horticulture put its plans for a healthy-eating programme to the public
vote by entering the People’s Millions to mark ITV’s 50th anniversary. Pupils from Maybury Primary School joined staff and volunteers for a film shot by ITV Yorkshire but sadly the initiative was beaten by a project in Wakefield, on the Calendar programme.
The Cop Shop Crew won the Humberside Police Lifestyle Competition. The youngsters had organised a tidy-up around the Estate, and persuaded the Council’s waste management team to make special trips to clear away abandoned furniture from gardens. The Crew – Abbie Douglas, Lisa Bryant, Ryan and Jamie Campbell – won a holiday to Florida.
December: Freedom Centre opened its doors to the public with a series of festive events including an angels’ parade, a carol service led by the Bishop of Hull, and an operatic society production.