“Our job is to get the right programmes into these communities and give people the chance to improve them.”
The Yorkshire Post wrote of the visit: “Levels of enthusiasm were high within the community centre itself, particularly amongst three women, Dawn Genter, Janet Genter and Marina Sandell who had set up their own after-school club for five to 11 year olds.”
later, John Prescott also brought Keith Hellawell, the drugs czar, to view work on a drugs project.
Lord Richard Rogers, the head of the Government’s Urban Task Force, came to talk to the Citizens’ Jury at
the Community Centre about the prospects for the Drain. He said:
“The critical thing is to listen to what the people want and work with them in formulating ideas. I believe the Drain and the nearby green area is a valuable amenity and should have facilities such as play areas for children and benches for older people to sit down.
December: Winner – an early win, literally – Women’s Centre project was launched, focussing on issues of
domestic violence, safe space, training, childcare and access to employment.