March: The £ 1.5 million Children’s Centre, likened to a fairytale castle, became operational at the Village Centre.
Residents were taking advantage of a new self-employment project which started to see people running hair-dressers, cafes, shoe repair and roofing businesses, to name but a few. Elsewhere on the six-acre site, the new police
station opened.
In May, PRNDC, the Council’s Park Area Committee and the Hull Youth Inclusion Programme joined , .forces to provide an alternative approach to outreach and youth clubs. The Youth Bus, donated
by Stagecoach, underwent a £20,000 refurbishment to offer a wide range of services including health advice, workshops and information, as well as a place to ‘chill out’.
April: It was independence day for the Preston Road Women’s Centre, which became the Winner Company, the first social enterprise to be created by the NDC regeneration project.
Jean Toker Vice Chair of the PRNDC Board, cut the first turf at the start of work on the £3.5 million community facility, to be known as the Freedom Centre. Mrs Toker said: “This is the jewel in the crown of the Village Centre and regeneration work on Preston Road.”